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주일예배 Sunday Service

20240225 We will keep our faith alive!

정안젤라 2024.02.24 21:21 조회 수 : 8

1. Find conflicts / Receiving judgment without knowing the (cause) of the sin.


Joel is a minor prophet. This implies that the content is less extensive compared to major prophets.


Two characteristics can be identified in the book of Joel. Firstly, the era in which the book was written is unknown. Secondly, there is no explanation of why a particular sin led to the calamity of locusts.


(Joel 1:4) What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten.


The locust plague in Joel can be compared to Moses' locust plague, but they differ in their targets. The locusts in Moses' time targeted the wicked Pharaoh, while Joel's locusts targeted God's own people.


How angry must God have been to unleash the calamity of locusts?


The aftermath of the locust swarm in Judah is truly devastating.


1) The wine (from the vine) has ceased.


(Joel 1:5b) Because the wine of the grape is cut off from your mouth.


2) The (produce) of the field has completely disappeared.


(Joel 1:10-11) The fields are laid waste, the ground mourns; for the grain is destroyed... The harvest of the field is gone.


3) The (joy) of people has withered.


(Joel 1:12) The vine withers, all the trees wither; so the joy of the people withers.


4) (Worship) has been interrupted.


(Joel 1:9) Grain offering and drink offering are cut off from the house of the Lord; the priests mourn, who minister to the Lord.


Indeed, the locust plague consumed the vines, leaving no wine; it turned fields into desolation, leading to a scarcity of grain; the absence of wine and grain resulted in the disappearance of people's joy. Furthermore, the offerings of grain and drink, essential for worship, were lacking, leading to the suspension of temple worship.


Ex) 1-Minute Sermon and Prayer at the Nursing Home


Last Friday, I visited a nursing home to conduct a worship service. Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, we had precisely 1 minute for both the sermon and prayer. After concluding the brief service, the elderly individuals who had joined me shared some heartfelt sentiments.


"Pastor, we received so much grace today!" "Pastor, we too, like Mary, want to always be where Jesus is!" "Pastor, just seeing your face made us happy!"


Even in such a short time, God showered us with abundant grace. I wondered how such meaningful moments transpired, and the staff member accompanying me provided insight.


"Pastor, our elderly residents eagerly anticipate your visits. Worshiping with you is their hope and joy!"


Despite the challenging circumstances and the ongoing threat of COVID-19, worshiping with these 'faithful worshipers' brought immense joy.


"The success of worship lies in the (worshipers)!"



Indeed, it was a powerful reminder that, regardless of the circumstances, the presence of 'faithful worshipers' can make any worship service a success.


2. Conflict Analysis / The Cause of Sin (Name)


In the book of Joel, there is no explicit mention of the specific time or reigning king during which these events occurred. Such situations are uncommon in the Bible, making it challenging to speculate about the sins that led to these events.


However, the author mentioned in Joel 1:1 seems intentionally recorded by God. Examining this name could provide insights into why the calamity of locusts occurred.


1) People worshiped (god) other than the true God.


(Joel 1:1) The word of the Lord that came to Joel the son of Pethuel.




The author of Joel is Joel himself, and the meaning of his name is 'Yahweh is God.' In other words, it appears that the people of Judah forgot that 'God alone is the true God' and worshiped other gods, even creating idols to worship alongside God.


God clearly stated in the Ten Commandments, 'You shall have no other gods before me!'


2) Parents did not (speak) to their children.




It's crucial to pay attention to Joel's father's name. Perhaps, in the name of Joel's father, we can find the root cause of the sin.


Joel's father's name is 'Pethuel,' meaning 'Mouth of God' or 'Persuasion of God.'


The reason why the people of Judah turned to worshiping other gods may be rooted in the fact that 'parents did not teach their children.' They needed to be the 'Mouth of God,' teaching that 'Yahweh alone is the true God' and persuading their children, but they failed to do so. Ultimately, this failure led to the commission of great sins by their children and their children's children, resulting in the calamity of locusts.


Joel strongly emphasizes the duty of the elderly, specifically addressing the obligation of parents.



'You elders, listen to this! All you inhabitants of the land, listen! Has anything like this happened in your days, or even in the days of your fathers? Tell your children about it, and let your children tell their children, and their children tell the next generation!' (Joel 1:2-3)


3. Children who heed their parents' words receive (blessings).


God has also promised blessings for children who have parents as the 'mouth' and 'persuaders' of God.


a) Visible Blessings


1. New (wine) is provided.


(Joel 2:19) "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you."


2. Abundant (harvest) from the fields is given.


(Joel 2:25-26) "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed."


b) Invisible Blessings


1. Restoring people's (joy).


(Joel 2:21) "Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice. Surely the Lord has done great things!"


2. Restoring (worship).


(Joel 2:26) "You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed."


3. Pouring out His (Spirit) on all people.


(Joel 2:28) "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."


4. Providing (salvation).


(Joel 2:32) "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."


God compensated for the great curse of the locust calamity by providing new wine, abundant harvests, restoring people's joy, and bringing back worship. Furthermore, He poured out His Spirit, causing the elderly to dream, allowing children to prophesy about the future, and enabling the youth to see visions.


Especially, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord is promised salvation.


To our ANC members, let us be the 'mouth of God' as parents and diligently 'persuade' our children. Let us teach them that 'Yahweh alone is the true God!' By doing so, they will not only receive visible blessings but also invisible blessings.


We especially hope for the presence of 'God's Spirit' to bring dreams to our parents, for our children to prophesy about the future, and for the youth to see visions.


Ex) Blessings in Serving the Homeless with Family and Kensington Street Homeless Outreach


During my time in LA, when my child was three years old, we went out together to reach out to the homeless on the streets, sharing love. The memory of those moments with my child is unforgettable. When I provided food while roaming the streets, they didn't express much gratitude. However, I distinctly remember their attitude changing 180 degrees when my 3-year-old son brought them something to eat.




When my child was eight years old and we visited Kona, Hawaii, there was a FOUNDATION SCHOOL open by YWAM, teaching 'street evangelism.' Every day, my child went out to the streets to witness the Gospel. Although I couldn't join in street evangelism myself, the happiness on my 8-year-old child's face coming back from it is etched in my memory.


I cannot forget when my child, at the age of 24, joined me in North Korea mission work. There were many challenging situations, especially when we visited a hospice where tuberculosis patients gathered. I remember the painful expression on my child's face as they witnessed people not waiting to live but waiting to die.


Now, that child has become a pastor doing God's work. When parents become the 'MOUTH OF GOD,' the mouthpiece of God, children receive God's blessings.


Kensington Street Homeless Outreach


A participant in street outreach shared a touching testimony:


"Pastor, last time I took all the socks we had at home and shared them with the homeless. It was fulfilling. However, a few days ago, a hiccup happened. My husband and kids had to go snowboarding, and we were frantically looking for socks, as we had none."


"Yesterday, a young man came with 200 sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly, for the homeless, saying, 'Please make these for the homeless on Saturday.' It was incredibly fulfilling."


We all need to be the 'MOUTH OF GOD,' God's mouthpiece. We need to be 'persuaders of God'!


I believe that God's blessings have come upon those children, households, and churches who have become the mouthpiece of God and persuaders of His message.


3. Insight / When We Hear the Word, a Story of (Repentance) Unfolds.


There is a reason why we must become the 'mouthpiece of God.' It is because when the Word is heard, a story of 'repentance,' turning away from sin and returning to one's place, unfolds.


What is repentance?


It is the tearing of the heart.


1) REPENT - Tearing the (heart) without tearing the clothes.


It is repenting to God by fasting, weeping, and mourning over one's sins while tearing the heart, not just tearing clothes. True 'repentance' goes beyond the external act of tearing clothes and involves the internal act of tearing the heart.


(Joel 2:12) "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;"


(Joel 2:13) and rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.


2) RETURN - (Turn) back to the Lord.


Tearing the heart alone is not enough. Furthermore, one must turn back to God! Merely tearing the heart can be a moment of 'regret.' It must be followed by the action of 'returning' to the Lord.


(Joel 2:12) "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;"



(Joel 2:13) and rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.


Judgment has a dual nature, being salvation. When Jesus comes again, for some, it will be judgment, but for others, it will be salvation.


(Example) Remember the story of the prodigal son. The moment of repentance for the prodigal son was when he had lost all his money, was rejected, and found himself eating pig's food in a pigsty. It was a severe judgment. However, in that very place, the prodigal son "repented of his wrongdoing," decided to "return to his father," and got up to go back to his father. Without the pigsty experience, he might not have repented or returned to his father.


"Repentance is an expression of (love) offered to God!" (AJ)


(Example) The most lovely moment of Isaac


There are many stories about sons. When I think of the time when my son was most beautiful, it was when he said 'I AM SORRY!' to me. 'Dad, I love you' and 'Dad, thank you' were beautiful words, but when he sincerely said 'I AM SORRY' while acknowledging his mistake, it felt precious. Even when my younger daughter Irene did something wrong and didn't say sorry, I still can't forget the time when my son, instead of my daughter, said 'Dad, I AM SORRY.'


(Example) While conducting baptism education, I cannot forget the moment when Brother ANDY acknowledged his sins and repented before God.


"Pastor, I have committed a lot of sins. If I repent before God, can I receive forgiveness?"


Watching Brother ANDY confess his sins to God like a child, I repented a lot, realizing my own sins without awareness and without repentance.


4. Presentation of the Gospel / Who is God?


God is 'Joel.' 'The LORD is God!'


God is gracious. He is merciful. He is slow to anger. He abounds in steadfast love. He does not turn away from his purpose, refraining from bringing calamity.


(Joel 2:13) "And rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster."


5. Conclusion / ANC brothers and sisters, remember the words 'Joel, son of Bethuel'! Become 'the mouth of God' to your children and convince them like this. 'The LORD is God!'


Today's sermon title is 'We will keep our faith alive,' and we will indeed keep our faith alive.


This sermon title is also the English translation of the hymn title 'Let Your Faith Be Steadfast,' which the choir sang today.


We may forget that 'God alone is the true God' as we live. We might develop things we consider more important or valuable than God and sin again.


But I believe, 'We will keep our faith alive!' WE WILL KEEP OUR FAITH ALIVE!


How is that possible?


Because 'the Spirit of God' has come upon us. The Holy Spirit has come to us and will never leave us. We are the house of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will watch over us! I believe!


(Types of Praise) There are three types of praise. The first is directed towards God, the second towards oneself, and the third is praising others.


WE WILL KEEP OUR FAITH ALIVE is 'praising others.' When singing this hymn today, let's sing it 'towards our children.' Speak it out. Let them hear it. And persuade them. Proclaim it!



Let's teach them, as in the lyrics, that 'in times of trial' and 'even when we stumble,' we will ultimately achieve victory!

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