A. Transition
Does this make sense to you?
B. Commitment
We cannot see God now but He is here. Right now, God is asking you.
"My dear ________, I would like to give you the gift of eternal life. Will you receive it? " Would you like to receive the gift of eternal life?
C. Clarification
You have made a very important decision. Because this is the most important decision in your life , I would like to clarify it once more . To receive the gift of eternal life,
· First, you need transfer your trust from yourself to Jesus Christ. Do you want to do that? -- yes
· Second, you should receive the resurrected and living Christ. into your life
· Third, you should receive Christ as your savior. The Scripture says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he will be with me." Do you want to receive Jesus as your savior?
· Fourth, you should receive Jesus as your lord. Until now, you have been the lord of your life. Now you should leave the wheel to Jesus, who created you, knows best, and wants to give you the best.
· Finally, you should repent. Until now you have had your back turned-on God. Just like a U-turn sign, you turn the direction of your life toward God. Do you really want to turn your life around?
D. Prayer
If this is what you really want, I can lead us in prayer, and we can tell God what you just told me. Let us pray.
1 Pray for ______
Truly wonderful God, we thank you that you led _______ to hear the good news, which was achieved by Jesus who did not spare even His own life to save us. Please help him/her understand and believe this good news and repent.
2. Pray with ______
Christianity is a religion of confession. Please repeat after me.
Our Father, I have sinned. I thank you for dying on the cross to forgive my sin.
Now I open my heart and receive Jesus to the center of my heart as the savoir and the Lord. I leave my life in your hands. From now on, I want to live trusting Jesus alone. Please help me. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
3. Pray for ______
Dear Loving Father. Thank you. We have prayed upon your words of promise, “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12)” I thank you for _____ born again as your child. I ask you to give _____ assurance that all sins were forgiven, and s/he is a God's child now. We do not know what is waiting for him/her in the future. But I ask you to help him/her become pure and blessed in favor of God and men. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
E. Assurance
1. I would like you to read something Jesus says about what you have just done
Would you like to read John 6:47? Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.
He who believes has what?
Read the verse again with your name in it. please.?
2. Two Diagnostic Questions
Based on this verse, I want to ask you one more time. ____
· If you were to die today, do you know for certain that you would go to Heaven?
· If God were to say to you, "Why should I let you into my heaven. what would you answer?
3. Welcome to the family of God
You are born again as a God's child by trusting Jesus and become a member of the God's family. We welcome you and congratulate you to join the God's family.