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20231112 Respect for God

정안젤라 2023.11.11 21:47 조회 수 : 45

Proverbs 15:16-33


16 It is better to have respect for the Lord and have little

    than to be rich and have trouble.


17 A few vegetables where there is love

    are better than the finest meat where there is hatred.


오늘 본문 말씀에서 집중해야 하는 부분은 하나님을 경외하는 것입니다. 일상에서 우리는 인간의 관심사에 빠져 삽니다. 그러나 잊지 말아야 할 것은 하나님의 관심사입니다. 하나님께서 천지창조를 하신 후 보시기에 좋았다고 하신 것을 기억합니다. "좋다"라는 의미를 하나님의 관점에서 생각해야 합니다.


(1) 십계명에서 가장 먼저 나오는 하나님 외에 다른 신을 섬기지 말라고 하신 첫째 계명에 따라 우리는 하나님을 경외해야 합니다. 그것이 선한 것이며, 예수그리스도를 믿음으로 얻는 영생의 복음을 전하는 일이 '선한 일'입니다. 


(2) 우리가 영생을 얻은 그리스도인으로서 성령 충만한 삶을 살 때 성령의 아홉가지 열매가 우리의 삶에서 보여집니다. Joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (사랑, 희락, 화평, 오래참음, 자비, 양선, 충성, 온유, 절제)의 성품을 갖고 일상을 살아가면 모든 인간들의 눈에도 선하게 비춰지는 것이며, 선한 영향력을 끼칠 때 영혼구원의 사역도 더 잘 할 수가 있습니다. 


그러나 인간된 우리는 두번째 선함의 기준에 더 초점을 맞출 때가 많아서 때로는 선한 행위를 해야 영생을 얻는다고 착각을 할 때가 있습니다. 오직 예수그리스도를 믿음으로 영원한 생명을 얻을 수 있습니다. 영생을 얻은 자가 삶에서 결과물로 나타나는 것이 성령의 열매입니다. 아래의 본문 내용과 나의 삶이 많이 다르다면 회개하고 다시 말씀으로 돌아와야 합니다. 


The part to focus on in today's passage is the respect for God. In our daily lives, we often get caught up in human concerns. However, what should not be forgotten is God's concerns. We should remember that, according to God, "it was good" after the creation of heaven and earth. We need to think about the meaning of "good" from God's perspective.


(1) According to the first commandment, which instructs us not to serve any other gods besides God, we should reverence God. This is a good thing, and spreading the gospel of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ is a 'good deed.'


(2) When we live a Spirit-filled life as Christ's followers who have obtained eternal life, the nine fruits of the Spirit become evident in our lives. Having the characteristics of joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in our daily lives not only reflects goodness to all people but also enables a more effective ministry of soul salvation when exerting a positive influence.


However, as humans, we often focus more on the second criterion of goodness, and sometimes we mistakenly think that we need to perform good deeds to obtain eternal life. Only through faith in Jesus Christ can one obtain eternal life. The fruit of the Spirit is what manifests in the life of one who has obtained eternal life. If there is a significant difference between the content of the passage below and our lives, we must repent and return to the Scriptures.



18 A person with a bad temper stirs up conflict.

    But a person who is patient calms things down.


19 The way of people who don’t want to work is blocked with thorns.

    But the path of honest people is a wide road.


20 A wise son makes his father glad.

    But a foolish son hates his mother.


21 A person who has no sense enjoys doing foolish things.

    But a person who has understanding walks straight ahead.


22 Plans fail without good advice.

    But they succeed when there are many advisers.


23 Joy is found in giving the right answer.

    And how good is a word spoken at the right time!


24 The path of life leads up for those who are wise.

    It keeps them from going down to the place of the dead.


25 The Lord tears down the proud person’s house.

    But he keeps the widow’s property safe.


26 The Lord hates the thoughts of sinful people.

    But he considers kind words to be pure.


27 Those who always want more bring ruin to their households.

    But a person who refuses to be paid to lie will live.


28 The hearts of those who do right think about how they will answer.

    But the mouths of those who do wrong pour out evil.


29 The Lord is far away from those who do wrong.

    But he hears the prayers of those who do right.


30 The cheerful look of a messenger brings joy to your heart.

    And good news gives health to your body.


31 Whoever listens to a warning that gives life

    will be at home among those who are wise.


32 Those who turn away from correction hate themselves.

    But anyone who accepts correction gains understanding.


33 Wisdom teaches you to have respect for the Lord.

    So don’t be proud if you want to be honored.







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