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20231126 Unspeakable Joy

정안젤라 2023.11.25 23:45 조회 수 : 68

Zephaniah 3:1-17

New International Reader's Version


A Message About Jerusalem

1 How terrible it will be for Jerusalem! Its people crush others. They refuse to obey the Lord.     They are “unclean.”

2 They don’t obey anyone. They don’t accept the Lord’s warnings. They don’t trust in him. They don’t ask their God for his help. 3 Jerusalem’s officials are like roaring lions. Their rulers are like wolves that hunt in the evening. They don’t leave anything to eat in the morning. 4 Their prophets care about nothing. They can’t be trusted. Their priests make the temple “unclean.” They break the law they teach others to obey. 5 In spite of that, the Lord is good to Jerusalem. He never does anything that is wrong. Every morning he does what is fair. Each new day he does the right thing. But those who do what is wrong aren’t even ashamed of it.


하나님은 스바냐 선지자를 통해 말씀하셨습니다. 그 당시 이스라엘은 북 이스라엘과 남유다로 나누어졌고, 오늘 본문은 예루살렘이 있는 유다 사람들에게 전하는 말씀입니다. 우상숭배에 빠진 그들은 영적으로 부패했습니다. 지도자들은 그들의 역할을 하지 못했습니다. 선지자들도 믿을 수 없었습니다. 제사장들은 성전을 더럽히고 율법을 어겼습니다. 그들은 부끄러움을 알지도 못했습니다.


God spoke through the prophet Zephaniah. At that time, Israel was divided into North Israel and South Judah, and today's passage is a message to the people of Judah, where Jerusalem is located. Engulfed in idol worship, they had become spiritually corrupt. Their leaders failed in their roles, the prophets were unreliable, and the priests defiled the temple and violated the law. They were unaware of their shame.


Jerusalem Remains Unrepentant

6 The Lord says to his people, “I have destroyed other nations. I have wiped out their forts. I have left their streets deserted. No one walks along them. Their cities are destroyed. They are deserted and empty. 7 Here is what I thought about Jerusalem. ‘Surely you will have respect for me. Surely you will accept my warning.’ Then the city you think is safe would not be destroyed. And I would not have to punish you so much. But they still wanted to go on sinning in every way they could. 8 So wait for me to come as judge,” announces the Lord. Wait for the day I will stand up to witness against all sinners.

I have decided to gather the nations. I will bring the kingdoms together. And I will pour out all my burning anger on them. The fire of my jealous anger will burn the whole world up.


하나님은 스바냐 선지자를 통해 예루살렘에게 하나님의 심판이 있을 것을 경고하십니다. 하나님은 공의로우신 하나님이시기에 죄를 받아들이지 못하십니다. 하나님의 명령에 불순종하는 자들은 심판이 있을 수 밖에 없음을 다시 알려주십니다. 가장 싫어하시는 우상숭배에 대해 8절에서는 질투하는 분노(jealous anger)라고까지 표현하고 계십니다.


God, speaking through the prophet Zephaniah, is cautioning Jerusalem about an upcoming judgment. Because God is just, He cannot accept sin. The passage stresses that those who go against God's commandments will unavoidably be judged. In verse 8, God's anger is described as "jealous anger," underscoring His intense disapproval of the despised idol worship.


Israel Will Trust in the Lord

9 “But then I will purify what all the nations say. And they will use their words to worship me.

    They will serve me together.10 My scattered people will come to me from beyond the rivers of Cush.

They will worship me. They will bring me offerings. 11 Jerusalem, you have done many wrong things to me.

    But at that time you will not be put to shame anymore. That’s because I will remove from this city

    those who think so highly of themselves. You will never be proud again on my holy mountain of Zion.

12 But inside your city I will leave those who are not proud at all.     Those who are still left alive will trust in the Lord.

13 They will not do anything wrong. They will not tell any lies.     They will not say anything to fool other people.

They will eat and lie down in peace.     And no one will make them afraid.” 14 People of Zion, sing!     Israel, shout loudly!

People of Jerusalem, be glad!     Let your hearts be full of joy. 15 The Lord has stopped punishing you.     He has made your enemies turn away from you. The Lord is the King of Israel.     He is with you. You will never again be afraid     that others will harm you. 16 The time is coming when people will say to Jerusalem,  “Zion, don’t be afraid. Don’t give up.


17 The Lord your God is with you. He is the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you.  In his love he will no longer punish you.     Instead, he will sing for joy because of you.”


그러나 사랑의 하나님께서는 오늘 말씀의 뒷부분"내가 여러 백성의 입술을 깨끗하게 하여... 나를 섬기게 하리니"에서 인간의 죄의 문제를 해결해 주실 것을 말씀하십니다.  죄를 용납할 수 없는 하나님의 나라에 우리 인간들을 데려가시기 위해서 죄 없으신 하나님이 직접 인간의 몸으로 오셔서 인간의 죄를 지고 죽으실 것이라고는 말씀하지 않으셨습니다. 그렇게 말씀하셔도 인간의 머리로는 이해할 수 없었을 것입니다. 그러나 오늘의 본문이 예수그리스도를 통해 인간의 죄의 문제가 해결될 것임을 예표하고 있음을 우리는 알 수 있습니다. 예수그리스도를 믿는 우리가 어떤 은혜의 삶인지를 미리 보여주고 계십니다. 특히 17절은 그 은혜를 종합하여 말씀하고 있습니다. "너의 하나님 여호와가 너의 가운데에 계시니 그는 구원을 베푸실 전능자시라" 우리 가운데 오신 예수그리스도는 그 분을 믿는 우리로 말미암아 기쁨을 이기지 못하시며, 우리를 잠잠히 사랑하시며, 우리로 말미암아 즐거이 부르며 기뻐하신다고 하셨습니다.


However, the God of love is speaking in the latter part of today's passage, "I will purify what all the nations say. And they will use their words to worship me. They will serve me together." addressing the resolution of the problem of human sin. He did not say that the sinless God would come in human form, bear the sins of humanity, and die to take us to the kingdom of God. Even if He had said so, it would have been difficult for human minds to comprehend. However, today's passage indicates that through Jesus Christ, the issue of human sin will be resolved. It shows us in advance the kind of gracious life we, who believe in Jesus Christ, will lead. Verse 17, in particular, summarizes this grace: "The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing." Jesus Christ, who is among us, said that He cannot be overcome by the joy that comes through those who believe in Him. He silently loves us and takes pleasure in us.


은혜의 시대에 살고 있는 우리는 이 감사의 조건을 잊지 말아야겠습니다. 우리는 연약해서 말씀과 멀어져 있으면 자꾸 잊어버립니다. 매일 조금이라도 말씀과 가까이 하여, 예수그리스도의 은혜를 기억하고 성령이 충만한 생활을 하기를 축복합니다.


Living in the era of grace, we must not forget the conditions of gratitude. We tend to forget them when we are weak and distant from the Word. May we draw near to the Word each day, even if only a little, remembering the grace of Jesus Christ and seeking a life filled with the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you.


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