Psalm 55
1 God, listen to my prayer. Pay attention to my cry for help.
2 Hear me and answer me. My thoughts upset me. I’m very troubled.
3 I’m troubled by what my enemies say about me. I’m upset because they say they will harm me. They cause me all kinds of suffering.
When they are angry, they attack me with their words.
다윗이 느꼈던 느낌을 생각해봅시다. 우리는 육체적으로 힘든 것은 쉬고나면 괜찮아집니다. 그러나 다른 사람의 말이 내 마음에 상처를 내면 아무리 쉬어도 잘 낫지 않습니다. 그래서 사람들은 마음에도 근육이 필요하다는 말을 합니다. 그렇다면 어떻게 마음에 근육을 만들 수 있을까요? 바로 말씀을 계속 묵상해야합니다.
Let's think about the feeling David experienced. Physically tough things usually get better after resting. However, if someone's words hurt my feelings, no matter how much I rest, I don't heal well. That's why people say that the heart also needs muscles. Then how can we build muscles in our hearts? We need to continuously read the scripture.
4 I feel great pain deep down inside me. The terrors of death have fallen on me.
5 Fear and trembling have taken hold of me. Panic has overpowered me.
6 I said, “I wish I had wings like a dove! Then I would fly away and be at rest.
7 I would escape to a place far away. I would stay out in the desert.
8 I would hurry to my place of safety. It would be far away from the winds and storms I’m facing.”
왜 다윗은 비둘기 같은 날개를 갖고 싶다고 했나요? 다윗은 날아가서 쉬고 싶었습니다. 지금 있는 곳에서 안전한 곳으로 멀리 도망가고 싶었습니다. 우리의 마음이 힘들때 피할 수 있는 피난처는 하나님입니다. 하나님께로 도망가는 길이 가장 안전하다고 성경은 말하고 있습니다.
Why did David wish for wings like a dove? David wanted to fly away and find rest. He wanted to escape to a safe place far from where he was. The Bible says that when our hearts are troubled, God is our refuge. It says that fleeing to God is the safest path.
9 Lord, confuse the sinners and keep them from understanding one another. I see people destroying things and fighting in the city.
10 Day and night they prowl around on top of its walls. The city is full of crime and trouble.
11 Forces that destroy are at work inside it. Its streets are full of people who cheat others and take advantage of them.
12 If an enemy were making fun of me, I could stand it. If he were getting ready to oppose me, I could hide.
13 But it’s you, someone like myself. It’s my companion, my close friend.
14 We used to enjoy good friendship at the house of God. We used to walk together among those who came to worship.
다윗을 힘들게 한 사람들은 바로 다윗과 가까운 사람들이었습니다. 심지어 다윗이 가장 아꼈던 다윗의 큰 아들 압살롬은 다윗의 왕 자리를 뺏고 다윗을 죽이려고까지 했습니다. 자기가 사랑했던 사람, 자기가 믿었던 사람에게 배신을 당하면 마음이 어떨지 생각해보세요. 그런 일은 상상하기도 싫습니다.
The ones who made David suffer were the people close to him. Even his beloved son Absalom, whom David cared deeply for, tried to take David's throne and kill him. Imagine how it would feel if someone you loved and trusted betrayed you. It's a thought that's hard to bear, isn't it?
15 Let death take my enemies by surprise. Let them be buried alive, because their hearts and homes are full of evil.
16 But I call out to God. And the Lord saves me.
17 Evening, morning and noon I groan and cry out. And he hears my voice.
18 Even though many enemies are fighting against me, he brings me safely back from the battle.
19 God has been on his throne since ancient times and does not change. He will hear my enemies and make them humble. That’s because they have no respect for God.
20 My companion attacks his friends. He breaks his promise.
21 His talk is as smooth as butter. But he has war in his heart. His words flow like olive oil. But they are like swords ready for battle.
22 Turn your worries over to the Lord. He will keep you going. He will never let godly people be shaken.
23 God, you will bring sinners down to the grave. Murderers and liars won’t live out even half of their lives. But I trust in you.