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중고등부 Youth

20240331 The Unbelievable Gospel Truth

정안젤라 2024.03.29 14:56 조회 수 : 42

20240331 Luke 24 1-12.pptx

20240331 Easter.docx


오늘의 말씀은 누가복은 24장 1절에서 12절입니다. 예수님이 부활하셨던 그날을 생각해 보시기 바랍니다. 제가 읽겠습니다.

Today's scripture is from Luke chapter 24, verses 1 to 12. Please reflect on the day when Jesus rose from the dead. I will read it now.


Luke 24


It was very early in the morning on the first day of the week. The women took the spices they had prepared. Then they went to the tomb. 

They found the stone rolled away from it. 

When they entered the tomb, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 

They were wondering about this. Suddenly two men in clothes as bright as lightning stood beside them. 

The women were terrified. They bowed down with their faces to the ground. Then the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 

Jesus is not here! He has risen! Remember how he told you he would rise. It was while he was still with you in Galilee. 

He said, ‘The Son of Man must be handed over to sinful people. He must be nailed to a cross. On the third day he will rise from the dead.’ ” 

Then the women remembered Jesus’ words.

They came back from the tomb. They told all these things to the 11 apostles and to all the others. 

10 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them were the ones who told the apostles. 

11 But the apostles did not believe the women. Their words didn’t make any sense to them. 

12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb. He bent over and saw the strips of linen lying by themselves. Then he went away, wondering what had happened.



이번에는 예수님이 돌아가시기 전날부터 리뷰해 보겠습니다.

이 그림은 레오나르도 다빈치가 그린 최후의 만찬입니다.


This time, let's review from the day before Jesus was crucified.

This painting is Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of the Last Supper.




예수님은 십자가에 돌아가시기 전 제자들과 함께 유월절을 기념한 식사를 했습니다. 누가복음 22:15에서 "내가 고난을 받기 전에 너희와 함께 이 유월절 먹기를 원하고 원하였노라"라고 하신 주님은 떡과 포도주를 나누며 예수그리스도를 기념할 것을 당부했습니다. 22:21에서 "나를 파는 자의 손이 나와 함께 상 위에 있도다"라고 유다가 예수님을 팔 것을 말하셨지만 제자들은 알아듣지 못했고 누가 큰 자인지 다투고 있었습니다. 예수님의 기분이 어떨지 상상해보세요. 예수님은 지금 십자가 처형을 앞두고 있는데, 가장 가까운 제자들은 예수님의 사역은 안중에 없고 세상적인 관심사에만 몰두하고 있으니 말입니다.


Jesus wanted to celebrate the Passover with his 12 disciples before he was nailed to the cross. So, during the meal, he shared bread and wine with them. And he ask them to do this every time they eat it in memory of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 22:21, Jesus said, "The one who will betray me is sitting at the table with me." But the disciples didn't understand and were arguing about who was the greatest among them. Imagine how Jesus felf about the situation. Jesus is about to be crucified, but Jesus diciples are not interested in Jesus' ministry but they are more concerned with worldly matters.





예수님은 골고다 언덕에서 다른 강도 두 명과 함께 십자가에 못박히셨습니다. 그 중 한명은 예수님을 비방하며 "네가 그리스도가 아니냐 너와 우리를 구원하라"고 말했고, 다른 한명은 "우리는 우리가 행한 일에 상당한 보응을 받는 것이니 이에 당연하나 이 사람이 행한 것은 옳지 않은 것이 없느니라 예수여 당신의 나라에 임하실 때에 나를 기억하소서"라고 했습니다. 예수님은 "오늘 네가 나와 함께 낙원에 있으리라"고 대답하셨습니다. 예수님이 돌아가신 시간은 정오쯤이었고, 밝은 햇빛이 비춰야 하는 시간이었지만 위 그림에서 볼 수 있듯이 세시간 동안 해마저 빛을 잃은 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 성전의 장막도 찢어졌습니다. 


Jesus was crucified on a hill called Golgotha with two other criminals. One of them insulted Jesus, saying, "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" But the other criminal said, "We deserve to die for what we've done. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, please remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus replied, "Today, you will be with me in paradise." When Jesus died, it was about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 




안식 후 첫날 새벽에  막달라 마리아와 요안나와 야고보의 모친 마리아 준비한 향품을 가지고 무덤에 가서 돌이 무덤에서 굴려 옮겨진 것을 보았고, 들어가니 주 예수의 시체가 보이지 않았다고 했습니다. 화가 피에로 델라 프란체스카는 예수님이 부활한 모습을 그림과 같이 표현했습니다. 예수님은 밝고 잠든 병사들은 어둡습니다. 예수님을 중심으로 왼쪽의 나무는 앙상하고 오른쪽은 잎이 무성하여 그리스도 부활의 전과 후의 차이를 나타냅니다. 


예수그리스도는 이미 예언하신대로 십자가에 못박혀 돌아가신지 사흘만에 부활하셨습니다. 참 사람인 동시에 참 하나님이셨던 예수그리스도께서는 우리의 죄를 대신지고 돌아가셔서 인간의 죄의 문제를 해결해 주셨고, 다시 부활하셔서 죄와 죽음으로부터 승리하셨습니다. 이런 예수그리스도가 주인인 우리는 세상이 중요하게 생각하는 것 때문에 슬퍼하지 맙시다. 죽음도 이기신 예수그리스도를 믿는 우리는 영원한 생명을 얻었습니다. 이 기쁜 소식을 내가 사랑하는 사람들에게 전할 수 있는 예수그리스도의 제자가 됩시다. 


On the first day after the Sabbath, early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James went to the tomb with perfumes they had prepared. When they got there, they saw that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and when they went inside, they didn't see Jesus' body. The painter Piero della Francesca depicted the resurrection of Jesus in a painting. In it, Jesus is bright, while the soldiers who were guarding Him are dark. On the left side of Jesus, the tree looks barren, but on the right side, it's lush with leaves, showing the difference before and after Christ's resurrection.


1. Jesus Christ, just as He had prophesied, was crucified and rose again after three days.

2. He was truly human and truly God.

3. Jesus Christ took on our sins and solved the problem of human sin, and He rose again to triumph over sin and death.

4. As followers of Jesus Christ, let's not be sad because of what the world thinks is important.

5. By believing in Jesus Christ, who conquered death, we have gained eternal life.

6. Let's become disciples of Jesus Christ who can share this joyful news with our loved ones.

