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20240511 Godless Kings

정안젤라 2024.05.11 23:40 조회 수 : 72

1 Kings 15

33 In the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha son of Ahijah became king of all Israel in Tirzah, and he reigned twenty-four years. 34 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, following the ways of Jeroboam and committing the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.


1 Kings 16

1 Then the word of the Lord came to Jehu son of Hanani concerning Baasha: 2 “I lifted you up from the dust and appointed you ruler over my people Israel, but you followed the ways of Jeroboam and caused my people Israel to sin and to arouse my anger by their sins. 3 So I am about to wipe out Baasha and his house, and I will make your house like that of Jeroboam son of Nebat. 4 Dogs will eat those belonging to Baasha who die in the city, and birds will feed on those who die in the country.”


5 As for the other events of Baasha’s reign, what he did and his achievements, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? 6 Baasha rested with his ancestors and was buried in Tirzah. And Elah his son succeeded him as king.


7 Moreover, the word of the Lord came through the prophet Jehu son of Hanani to Baasha and his house, because of all the evil he had done in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger by the things he did, becoming like the house of Jeroboam—and also because he destroyed it.


Elah King of Israel

8 In the twenty-sixth year of Asa king of Judah, Elah son of Baasha became king of Israel, and he reigned in Tirzah two years.


9 Zimri, one of his officials, who had command of half his chariots, plotted against him. Elah was in Tirzah at the time, getting drunk in the home of Arza, the palace administrator at Tirzah. 10 Zimri came in, struck him down and killed him in the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah. Then he succeeded him as king.


11 As soon as he began to reign and was seated on the throne, he killed off Baasha’s whole family. He did not spare a single male, whether relative or friend. 12 So Zimri destroyed the whole family of Baasha, in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken against Baasha through the prophet Jehu— 13 because of all the sins Baasha and his son Elah had committed and had caused Israel to commit, so that they aroused the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, by their worthless idols.


14 As for the other events of Elah’s reign, and all he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel?


오늘 본문에 나오는 바아사, 엘라, 시므리왕은 하나님을 노엽게했습니다.

하나님을 노엽게하고역겹게 한 악한 행동과 헛된 짓들은 무엇일까요?

1)(여로보암)의 길로 행하는 것입니다.

2)이스라엘백성들에게 죄 (짓게하는 것입니다.

여로보암이 어떤 죄를 저질렀기에 그의 길로 행하여라고 말하고 있을까요도대체 어떤 죄를 저질었기에본인만 죄를 짓는 것이 아니라이스라엘백성이 모두 죄를 범하게 만들었을까요?

여로보암은 금송아지를 두 개 만들어서 벧엘과 단에 두고이스라엘백성들이 금송아지에게 경배하도록 하였습니다.

여로보암이 산당을 짓고레위 자손이 아닌 보통 백성으로 제사장으로 삼았습니다.

여로보암은 자기 마음대로 정한 달을 절기로 정하여 분향을 드리도록 하였습니다.


The text today mentions Baasha, Elah, and Zimri, who angered God.


What were the evil deeds and worthless acts that made God angry?


1) Walking in the ways of Jeroboam.

2) Causing sins for the people of Israel.


Why does it say "walking in his ways" regarding the sins Jeroboam committed? What sins did he commit that not only he sinned but also made all the people of Israel sin?


  • Jeroboam made two golden calves and placed them in Bethel and Dan, causing the Israelites to worship the golden calves.
  • Jeroboam built high places and appointed ordinary people, not Levites, as priests.
  • Jeroboam appointed his own festivals and made offerings at his own discretion.

1)하나님은 (선하신분이십니다.

( 34:8) 너희는 여호와의 선하심을 맛보아 알지어다 그에게 피하는 자는 복이 있도다

 2)하나님은 (인자하신분이십니다.

( 118:1) 여호와께 감사하라 그는 선하시며 그의 인자하심이 영원함이로다

3)하나님은 평생 반드시 (나를따르십니다.

선하시고 인자하신 하나님께서 나의 평생에 반드시 따라다니시면서 나를 인도해주시고돌보도아주시고지켜주신다는 것입니다.

( 23:6) 내 평생에 선하심과 인자하심이 반드시 나를 따르리니

아사왕이 하나님 보시기에 정직하고하나님의 말씀에 순종할 수 있었던 힘이 그에게 있었던 것이 아닙니다.  선하시고인자하신 하나님께서 아사왕을 떠나지 않으시고항상 그를 따라다니시면서 붙잡아 주시고지켜주셨기에 아사왕이 하나님 앞에 정직할 수 있었던 것입니다.

1) God is (good).

(Psalm 34:8) Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

2) God is (merciful).

(Psalm 118:1) Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!

3) God will surely (follow) me all the days of my life.

It means that the good and merciful God will surely accompany, guide, care for, and protect me throughout my life.

(Psalm 23:6) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

It wasn't because Asa was inherently capable of being upright before God and obedient to His word. It was because the good and merciful God never left Asa, always followed him, held onto him, and kept him safe that Asa could be upright before God.


